The Parable of the Good Samaritan Explained (my shortest and most popular sermon)
How to Pray (Ephesians 1:3-18)
The Gospel According to Paddington Bear (Christmas message)
Advent Sunday: Jesus is Coming (Luke 21)
The Revised Common Lectionary: Year B
Three kinds of Faith in Jesus (Mark 6:1-13)
Jesus and the Pharisees: Contrasting Strategies of War and Peace (Mark 3:1-12)
Does God have one people or two? (John 15)
Turning our World Upside Down (John 20) Easter 2
Jesus Christ is Risen (John 20) Easter Sunday
Why Good Friday? Because Jesus is our Passover Lamb (Isaiah 52-53) Good Friday
When Time and Eternity Meet (John 13) Maundy Thursday
This is our God, the Servant King (Mark 11) Palm Sunday
What is my Ultimate Purpose in Life? (Ephesians 2) Lent 4
Jesus and the Temple of Destiny (John 2) Lent 3
Great Expectations: Jesus on High Demand Religion (Mark 8) Lent 2
How to Become a Contagious Christian (1 Peter 3) Lent 1
The Real Jesus I Never Knew (Mark 9:2-9) Epiphany 5
Holy War in Palestine (Mark 1:21-28) Epiphany 4
The Radical Call of Jesus (Mark 1:14-20) Epiphany 3
Discovering My Purpose in Life (John 1:43-51) Epiphany 2
Four Kings and a Joker (Matthew 2) Epiphany
All Creatures of our God and King (Psalm 148) Christmas 1
The Good New of Jesus Christ (Mark 1) Advent 2
Jesus the Lamb of God (John 1) Advent 3
I am the Lord’s Servant (Luke 1) Advent 4
The Revised Common Lectionary: Year A
This Present Darkness is Never Darkness in Your Sight (Psalm 90) Proper 28
Shock & Awe: A Homily for Gaza (Psalm 70) Proper 27
Jesus Confronts Religious Abusers (Matthew 23) Proper 26
The Hallmarks of Authentic Christian Ministry (1 Thessalonians 2) Proper 26
The Passion of Jesus: Son and Lord of David (Matthew 22) Proper 25
God’s Antidote to Dark Valleys (Psalm 23) Proper 23
I have a friend who does not believe in God (Psalm 19) Proper 22
Surrender or Else (Philippians 2:1-13) Proper 21
Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (Psalm 103) Proper 19
You Were Made for a Mission (Matthew 18:1-20) Proper 18
Peacemaking and the Right of Resistance (Romans 12:9-21) Proper 17
The Cost of Discipleship (Matthew 16:24-27) Proper 17
Finding your Place in the Body of Christ (Romans 12:1-8) Proper 16
What Can I Do When I am Really Desperate? (Matthew 15) Proper 15
Israel’s Fault: God’s Dismay at Her Disobedience (Romans 10) Proper 14
Israel’s Fall: God’s Purpose in Election (Romans 9:1-5) Proper 13
Four Throne Rights of God’s Children – Part 3 (Romans 8:27-39) Proper 12
Four Thrones Rights of the Children of God – Part 2 (Romans 8:12-26) Proper 11
Four Throne Rights of the Children of God – Part 1 (Romans 8:1-11) Proper 10
A Bridge Over Troubled Water (Matthew 11:27-30) Proper 9
How do you Prefer your Venite? Grande or Skinny? (Psalm 95) Proper 8
The True Cost of Discipleship (Matthew 10) Proper 7
The Clash of Two Kingdoms (Matthew 10) Proper 6
Who is Jesus and Why did Jesus Come? (Matthew 9) Proper 5
The Great Commission: Our Ultimate Purpose in Life (Matthew 28) Trinity Sunday
Creation Care as Worship (Psalm 8) Trinity Sunday
The Spirit of Pentecost Today (Acts 2) Pentecost
The Lord’s Prayer for You (John 17) 7th After Easter
From Orphans to Heirs (John 14:15-21) 6th After Easter
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:1-6) 5th After Easter
The Great Shepherd of the Sheep (John 10:1-10) 4th After Easter
Five Marks of a Healthy Church (Acts 2:42-47) 4th After Easter
Redeeming israel? Confused on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32) 3rd After Easter
Turning the World Upside Down (John 20:19-31) 2nd After Easter
Easter Sunday: Christ is Risen! (John 20:1-18) Easter Sunday
Good Friday: The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (John 19) Good Friday
Maundy Thursday: The Time has Come (John 13) Maundy Thursday
Palm Sunday: The King Has Come (Matthew 21) Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday: Three Barriers to Surrendering to God (Philippians 2) Palm Sunday
Are You Ready to Boldly Go? (John 11) 5th Sunday in Lent
Believing is Seeing (John 9) 4th Sunday in Lent
Jesus on the Gospel and Gender Equality (John 4:4-42) 3rd Sunday in Lent
The Medium is the Message: Jesus God’s Love in Action (John 3:1-18) 2nd Sunday in Lent
An Antidote to Religious Extremism (Romans 4:1-5, 13-17) 2nd Sunday in Lent
How to Overcome Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) 1st Sunday in Lent
The Grace of Giving (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18) Ash Wednesday
The Jesus I Never Knew (Matthew 17:1-9) Transfiguration Sunday
Anger Management for Beginners (Matthew 5:21-26) 6th After Epiphany
Becoming a Person of Extraordinary Influence (Matthew 5:13-16) 5th After Epiphany
Strong Reproofs for a Scandalous Church (1 Corinthians 2) 5th After Epiphany
The Beatitudes: The Christian Manifesto (Matthew 5:1-12) 4th After Epiphany
The Bible & Apartheid
United Against Apartheid: Jerusalem Day March
A Biblical Critique of Israeli Apartheid
A Short Reflection on Isaiah 56
Faith that Works
How can I Overcome Failure? (Luke 5)
Developing an Umbrella Faith (Mark 4)
Jesus and our Confirmation Bias (Mark 3)
I have a Dream (Psalm 87)
Jesus the Peacemaker (Mark 3)
The Spirit of Pentecost Today (Acts 2)
Jesus Prayed for You (John 17)
How to be a Friend of God (John 15)
Lord, Teach us to Pray (Luke 11)
Jerusalem: Eternal City of Faith
Easter Faith
What is Conversion? (Acts 9)
Jesus is Risen (John 20)
The Peace of Christ (John 20)
Why Good Friday? (Isaiah 53)
The Call of Jesus: Follow Me (John 1)
The Historical Jesus: The Evidence of History & Archaeology
Glory in the Ordinary (Luke 2)
Are you Desperate Enough for Jesus? (Matthew 15) – The Anglican Cathedral, Cairo
Who do you say I am? (Mark 8) – Baraka Church, Bethlehem
The Greatest of These (1 Corinthians 13)
Jesus in John’s Gospel
Mary: The First Follower of Jesus (John 21)
The Time has come: Jesus and the Last Supper (John 13)
Jesus is the True Temple (John 2)
Jesus is the King of Israel (John 1)
John the Baptist: Prophet, Martyr and Example (John 1)
Becoming a Member of the Church
How to Become a Wise Investor
How to Read the Bible Diligently (2 Timothy 3)
Marmalade or Marmite: What does it mean to Follow the Example of Christ? (John 17)
Five Spiritual Disciplines for Turbulent Times (Hebrews 12)
How to Develop a Personal Prayer Life (Philippians 4)
Receiving Communion Faithfully (1 Corinthians 11)
666 Interpreting the Apocalyptic in the Book of Revelation
Epsom Deanery Clergy Retreat
Organising Church (Membership)
Organising your Time
Looking After Yourself
Christmas at the Movies
Moana and Jesus: Where do you long to be?
The Image of God in Hebrews
The Jesus I Never Knew (Hebrews 1)
The Guarantee of a Better Covenant (Hebrews 7)
The Blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9)
Jesus: The Perfect Sacrifice (Hebrews 10)
Who do you think you are? (Hebrews 11)
Jesus at the Movies (Christmas)
Moana and Jesus: Where do you long to be? (2016)
Jesus and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
The Gospel According to Paddington Bear (2014)
Frozen: A Story to Melt Your Heart (2013)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Arthur Christmas Meets Jesus (2011)
A Lion in the Manger (2010)
The Purpose of Christmas (2009)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
His Dark Materials (2007)
Always Winter Never Christmas (2005)
The Incredibles (2004)
The Return of the King (2003)
Welcome to Babylon (Daniel 1)
The Mother of all Dreams (Daniel 2)
Satisfaction and Where to Find it (Ecclesiastes 2)
Contentment and Where to Find it (Ecclesiastes 5)
What Life is Really All About (Ecclesiastes 12)
Christ the Controversialist
Finding Security in a Volatile World (Matthew 5)
How to Become Rich (Luke 12)
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Luke 12)
Bringing Division not Peace (Luke 12)
Lessons in Church Growth
How to choose a church leader (Acts 1:12-26)
Pentecost and Power Evangelism (Acts 2:1-24)
Colossians: Our Freedom in Christ
Jesus Christ: Crown Him Lord of All (Colossians 1:15-23)
The Hidden Treasure of Jesus (Colossians 2:1-5)
To Live with Jesus and not be kidnapped (Colossians 2:6-15)
Freedom in Jesus (Colossians 2:16-23)
Speaking to God about People and to People about God (Colossians 4:2-6)
The Normal Christian Life (Colossians 4:7-18)
Christian Worship
The Heart of Worship (Romans 12:1-2)
What is True Worship? (John 4)
The Servant Leader’s Worship (Nehemiah 12)
Where do we worship? The Church Defined (1 Peter 2)
How to Pray in an Unstable World (James 5)
Jesus Mean and Wild (Mark’s Gospel)
A Hopeful Repentance (Mark 1:14-20)
Holy War (Mark 1:21-28)
Demanding Priorities (Mark 1:29-39)
Love that Makes Enemies (Mark 2:25-3:6)
Challenging our Confirmation Bias (Mark 3:20-35)
Good Warnings (Mark 4:1-20)
The Sum of all Fears (Mark 4:25-31)
Jesus the Unwelcome Prophet (Mark 6:1-13)
Jesus’ Great Expectations (Mark 8:27-33)
The Prosperity Gospel (Mark 10:17-31)
The Riches of Poverty (Mark 12:41-44)
The Prophetic Manifesto of Jesus (Luke 4:16-21)
The Unpopular Message of Jesus (Luke 4:21-30)
Apologetics: Questions about the Christian Faith
The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable?
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
What About Other Religions?
What About War and Peace?
Creation, Singleness, Marriage and Homosexuality
Do we Worship the same God?
Christmas 2015
Jesus and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (John 1:1-14)
How to have a relatively stress free Christmas (Matthew 6:25-34)
A Very Different Christmas (Connection article)
Making the Most of Christmas Time (Luke 2:1-14)
The Dark Side of Christmas (Matthew 2:13-23)
Autumn Specials
The King of Kings and Queens (Ephesians 1:18-21)
Be Thou my Vision (Ephesians 4:11-24)
Our Darkness is Never Darkness in Your Sight (Psalm 90)
The Joy of Knowing Christ Jesus – Philippians
What is worthy conduct? (Philippians 1)
How to work out your salvation (Philippians 2)
What do you prize most? (Philippians 3)
How should I pray? (Philippians 4)
The Dynamics of Servant Leadership
Nehemiah 1: The Servant Leader’s Intercession
Nehemiah 5: The Servant leader’s Compassion
Nehemiah 8: Renewal and How to Experience it
Nehemiah 10: The Servant leader’s Covenant
Nehemiah 12: The Servant leader’s Worship
Pentecost 2015
The Christian’s Magna Carta (Romans 8)
Renewal and How to Experience it (Nehemiah 8)
The Purpose Driven Life in Ephesians
You were planned for God’s pleasure (Ephesians 2)
You were formed for God’s family (Ephesians 2)
You were made for a mission (Ephesians 6)
Following Jesus the Servant King
The Call of Jesus (Mark 1:16-28)
The Divinity of Jesus (Mark 2:1-12)
The Call of Jesus (Mark 2:13-18)
The Anger of Jesus (Mark 3:1-12)
The Enigma of Jesus (Mark 4:1-20)
Christmas 2014
Don’t be Afraid of Christmas (Christmas day)
The Purpose of Christmas (Christmas Eve)
The Gospel According to Paddington Bear (Carol service)
Acts of the Apostles
The Clash of Two Kingdoms (Acts 1)
The Pentecostal Spirit of Power Evangelism (Acts 2)
On Active Service: Three Priorities in War and Peace (Acts 3)
Jesus and Climate Change
Jesus is Lord of all Creation (Psalm 24)
Jesus is Lord of the Covenant (Genesis 7)
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6)
Christ in all the Scriptures
Malachi and the Lord Jesus (Malachi 2:17-3:5)
Haggai and the Chosen Servant of the Lord (Haggai 2)
Zephaniah and the Name of the Lord Jesus (Zephaniah 3:17)
Micah and Jesus the King (Micah 5:2-4)
Jonah, Jesus and the Whale (Jonah)
Amos: Jesus and David’s Fallen Tent (Amos 9)
Hosea: Jesus the Bridegroom (Hosea 1)
Daniel: Jesus the Son of Man (Daniel 7)
Ezekiel: Jesus the Good Shepherd (Ezekiel 34)
Jeremiah: Jesus and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31)
Isaiah: Jesus is the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 53)
Psalms: Jesus is Lord of all Creation (Psalm 24)
Psalms: The Cross of Christ (Psalm 22)
Psalms: The Lord of Time and Space (Psalm 8)
Psalms: Jesus, God’s Anointed Son (Psalm 2)
Esther: The Providence of God (Esther 4)
Kings: Solomon, Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 4)
Samuel: The Son and Lord of David (2 Samuel 9)
David, Goliath and Jesus (1 Samuel 17)
Ruth: Jesus and a Timely Redemption (Ruth 1-4)
Judges and the Angel of the Lord (Judges 6)
Joshua: Joshua and the Commander of the Lord’s Army (Joshua 5)
Deuteronomy: Moses and the Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)
Numbers: The Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21)
Leviticus: The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16)
Exodus: The Passover Lamb (Exodus 12)
Genesis: The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22)
Genesis: Abraham, Melchizedek and Jesus (Genesis 14)
Summer Psalms
Where does my help come from? (Psalm 121)
Praise my soul the King of Heaven (Psalm 103)
Lord of all Creation (Psalm 24)
The Cross of Christ (Psalm 22)
The Lord of Time and Space (Psalm 8)
Jesus, God’s Anointed Son (Psalm 2)
The Privileges of Church Membership
To follow the example of Christ
To be faithful in private prayer
To read the Bible carefully
To receive communion faithfully and regularly
To give personal service to Church and Community
To give money to the work of the parish
To support the work of the church abroad
To uphold the standard of marriage
To care that children are brought up to love the Lord
The Passion of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel
The Passion of Jesus the Messiah (Matthew 21:1-17)
What are we to make of Jesus Christ? (Matthew 22:42-46)
Jesus Confronts Religious Abusers (Matthew 23:1-12)
Jesus on Blessing and Cursing (Matthew 23:13-39)
Jesus is Coming Soon (Matthew 24:1-35)
Jesus and His Sheep and Goats (Matthew 24:36-51)
The Passion of Jesus on Good Friday (Matthew 27)
Jesus Christ is Risen (Matthew 28:1-10)
In Christ I am Secure (Romans 8:1-11)
The Liberty of Grace – Why the Church is Persecuted: (Galatians 5)
What Abraham Discovered
Abraham: Lessons in the Call of God (Genesis 12)
Abraham, Melchizedek and Jesus (Genesis 14)
Abraham’s Inheritance: Claiming Your Share (Genesis 15)
Abraham and the Covenant: El Shaddai (Genesis 17)
Abraham’s Son: Jehovah Jireh will Provide (Genesis 22)
Christmas 2013
Thank God for the Iranians
The Dark Side of Christmas
Frozen: A Story to Melt Your Heart
Becoming like Children Again
The Magnificat: The Song of Mary
I am the Lord’s Servant
Autumn 2013 Sermons
On Becoming a Wise Investor (Luke 12:13-21)
On Being a Good Neighbour (Luke 10:25-37)
How to Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:44-48)
Love and Marriage (1 Corinthians 6:9-20)
The Blessed Hope and the Marshmallow Test (Titus 2:11-14)
Pathway to Spiritual Maturity (James): Summer 2013
Some Assembly Required (James 1:1-12)
How to Handle Temptation (James 1:13-18)
Transformed by Truth (James 1:17-27)
The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (James 2:14-26)
The Tongue and How to Control it (James 3:1-12)
How to be Wise (James 3:13-18)
To End all Wars (James 4:1-12)
The Folly of Arrogance (James 4:13-17)
The Three Peas of Wealth (James 5:1-8)
Be Patient in Suffering (James 5:7-12)
Be Prayerful in All Things (James 5:13-20)
How can I know that I know God? (1 John 5-2:17)
How can I be sure I am a Christian? (1 John 5:1-13)
Becoming a Contagious Christian: Summer 2013
The Contagious Christian’s Testimony
The Contagious Christian’s Message
The Contagious Christian’s Mind-Set
The Contagious Christian’s Motivation
The Contagious Christian’s Mandate
Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions: Spring 2013
How to Win over Depression?
How Can I Cope with Stress?
How Can I be Confident in a Crisis?
How Can I Overcome Failure?
How Can I Ever Change?
How Can I Live Above Average?
How Can I Handle Discouragement?
How Can I Overcome Loneliness?
Christmas 2012
How to spend Christmas Day with Jesus
An Unexpected Journey this Christmas
How to Enjoy a Stress Free Christmas
Why does God allow suffering? Royal Holloway University Christian Union
Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ
Does God have a purpose for your life? (Philippians 3:1-14)
What are you really passionate about? (John 15:1-17)
Why are we wired so differently? (1 Corinthians 12)
What is my spiritual gift? (Romans 12)
What has love got to do with it? (1 Corinthians 13)
How can I serve with full devotion? (Luke 10)
John’s Gospel : Jesus is God’s Love in Person
Jesus the Lamb of God (John 1:19-34)
Jesus the King of the Jews (John 1:35-51)
Jesus is God’s Sovereign King (John 2:1-11)
Jesus is the True Temple (John 2:12-25)
Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:1-21)
Jesus is the Bridegroom (John 3:22-36)
Creator, Saviour and Advocate (John 14:1-23)
Discovering your Passion (John 15:1-17)
Becoming a Person of Extraordinary Influence (Matthew 5:13-16)
How can I cope with stress? (John 8)
With Unveiled Faces (2 Corinthians 3)
Lament for the Living Dead (Amos 5)
Easter 2012
Easter in Three Dimensions
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed, Hallelujah!
The Cross of Good Friday in Isaiah 53
Be Thou My Vision: Realising our 2020 Vision
Contagious Relational Evangelism
Voluntary Sacrificial Giving
Cultivating Community
Jesus Confronts Racism
This ‘sermon’ is just 1 minute 48 seconds but it sums up the last 35 years of my full time Christian ministry. If I never preached another sermon, this is the one I’d want you to remember me by.
Jesus confronts racism (the hidden meaning of the Parable of the Good Samaritan)
How to do right when you’ve been done wrong (Psalm 26)
Jesus: The Perfect Sacrifice (Hebrews 10:1-18) for CBSI
Christmas 2011
To Us a Son is Born (Isaiah 9:1-7)
Arthur Christmas Meets Jesus
Christmas Peace and where to find it (Luke 2:14)
Christianity Explored
Who is Jesus? The Sum of all Fears (Mark 4:35-39)
Why did Jesus Come? (Mark 2:1-17)
The Cross – Why did Jesus die? (Mark 15)
Why did Jesus Rise? (Mark 16)
What must I do to inherit eternal life? (Mark 10)
Royal Holloway University Christian Union
Uncover Luke : Who is Jesus (Luke 5:17-31)
The Acts of the Apostles
The Word of God in Corinth (Acts 18: 1-28)
Christ Church School Service
Jesus and Women: The Transforming Power of Redemptive Love
This lady is not for stoning (John 8: 1-11)
The woman who said Yes to Jesus (John 4: 1-26)
Mary: The most privileged among women (Luke 1: 26-38)
Elizabeth: Strong in faith and character (Luke 1: 5-20)
Jesus and Mary Magdalene (John 20: 1-18)
The Widow who knew how to Handle Money (Mark 12:41-44)
The mother who would not give up (Matthew 15: 21-28)
Martha: discovering what you do best in the body of Christ (Luke 10:38-42)
Tabitha: a woman who lived the Gospel (Acts 9: 36-42)
Priscilla: a valued co-worker and teacher (Acts 18)
Esther: How the Sovereign Lord saves His people
The arrogance of power (Esther 1: 1-11)
Esther and the Providence of God (Esther 4)
Sleepless in Susa: things are not always as they seem (Esther 6)
Ultimate poetic justice (Esther 7: 1-10)
An empire in turmoil: proportionate retaliation (Esther 9)
Easter 2011
Easter Sunday: Proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 17: 16-34)
Easter Sunday All Age Service: Jesus is risen (John 20: 1-18)
Easter Sunday Morning: Jesus and Mary (John 20: 1-18)
Good Friday: The Cross (John 18:1 to 19:37)
The Continuing Acts of Apostolic Men and Women (Acts)
The First & Continuing Missionary Adventure: (Acts 13: 13-52)
Runnymede Deanery Synod Debate: The Case Against Women Bishops
Read more here. Listen here.
The Privileges of Church Membership
To follow the example of Christ (John 13: 1-17)
How to read the Bible carefully (2 Timothy 3: 10-17)
To support the work of the Church abroad (Matthew 21: 1-11)
To receive Holy Communion faithfully (1 Corinthians 11: 17-32)
To give money to the work of the Parish (2 Corinthians 8)
To uphold the standard of marriage (Ephesians 5: 21-33)
Community Bible Study International
Living by faith as Children of Abraham (Genesis 25) CBSI
All Age Services 2011
If you want to walk on water… (Matthew 14: 22-33)
Is it OK to dance in church? (2 Samuel 6:1-23)
Who is Jesus? (John 7)
Loving Unbelieving Relatives (John 7:1-13)
Christmas 2010
What’s in a name? (Luke 1: 1-25)
The journey of a lifetime (Matthew 2:1-12)
The Lion in the Manger (Carol Service)
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas: Wentworth Carols by Candlelight
Pledge Sunday
Give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58-16:2)
Remembrance Sunday Service
How to love your enemies: Matthew 6:43-48
Runnymede Mayor’s Civic Service
Church and State: Authority, Role & Responsibility (Romans 13)
World Vision International Day of Prayer
Who is My Neighbour? (Luke 10)
The Case for Anger Management (Genesis 4) CBSI
The Dynamics of Effective Servant Leadership : Autumn 2010
The Priority of God’s Call (Nehemiah 1)
How can I handle discouragement? (Nehemiah 4)
The Servant Leader’s Compassion (Nehemiah 5)
Spiritual Renewal through God’s Word (Nehemiah 8)
Renewing your covenant with God (Nehemiah 10)
Be Faithful (1 Timothy): Autumn 2010
Introduction to 1 Timothy (1 Timothy 1: 1-5)
The Challenge of False Teaching (1 Timothy 1: 1-11)
Man and Women in Ministry (1 Timothy 2)
A Few Good Men: Summer 2010
Sacrificial Abraham (Genesis 22:1-19)
Obedient Noah (Genesis 6:5-22)
Self-disciplined Joseph (Genesis 39:1-23)
Distinctive Daniel (Daniel 1: 1-21)
Wholehearted Caleb (Joshua 14:6-15)
Our Secure Refuge: The authority of Jesus (John 5: 21-47)
Marriage Enrichment (CBSI) (Song of Songs)
Ephesians: Summer 2010
Jesus and God’s gift of grace (Ephesians 2: 1-10)
The mystery of the Church (Ephesians 3: 1-13)
Created to become like Christ (Ephesians 4:17-32)
How to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Easter 2010
The Significance of the Resurrection (Mark 16)
Sharing a Passion for Life (Psalm 22)
Surrender to Christ (Luke 19)
7 Habits of Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus: Spring 2010
The Joy of Serving (Matt 25: 31 to 46)
To receive Communion faithfully (1 Corinthians 11:17-34)
Giving to the Lord’s work (Matthew 6: 1 to 4; 19-24)
O Jerusalem: Jesus in the Temple (Mark 11:1-25)
Wise men follow Jesus (Matthew 2: 1-12)
The Quest for Meaning in Life: Spring 2010
Is life really worth living? (Ecclesiastes 1: 1-18)
The Restless Heart (Ecclesiastes 4)
What life is really all about (Ecclesiastes 12)
Christmas 2009
Nativity Service: The Cross and the Christmas Tree
Carol Service: The Purpose of Christmas – Celebration
Life Lessons from the Parables of Luke: Autumn 2009
On Being a Diligent Servant (Luke 19:11-26)
On Being a Good Neighbour (Luke 10:25-37)
On Being a Prodigal God (Luke 15:11-32)
On Being a Generous Investor (Luke 12:13-21)
Homeward Bound: 1 Peter: Autumn 2009
Standing Strong (1 Peter 1:1-2)
A Life of Purpose (1 Peter 2:1-10)
A Life of Humility (1 Peter 5)
Making Life Work: Autumn 2009
Work: necessary evil or God’s plan?
360o leadership: leading from below
Resolving conflict at work
Is work your Profession or Obsession?
Israel and the Church: Summer Series
Where is the promised land?
Next year in Jerusalem?
Will the Temple be Rebuilt?
I want to be Left Behind
God’s Amazing Book: Bible Prophecy (Psalm 22)
A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Philippians 1:9-11
Jonah, the rescued prophet (Jonah 1:17-2:10)
Malachi – the Love of God: Summer 2009
The love of God: Malachi 1:1-5
From this time forward: Malachi 2:10-16
The Grace of God Revealed: Malachi 2:17-3:6
The Floodgates of Heaven: Malachi 3:6-12
How to Follow Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount: Summer 2009
Happy Families: Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: Matthew 5:1-3
Blessed are the Persecuted: Matthew 5:10-12
How to deal with anger: Matthew 5:21-26
How to avoid sexual temptation: Matthew 5:27-30
The Christian Family Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13
The Wise and Foolish Builders: Matthew 7:24-27
Exodus: Knowing God: Spring 2009
Lessons learned from failure: Exodus 2:11-25
Going from bad to worse: Exodus 5-6
Deal or no Deal? Plagues that Preach: Exodus 7-11
Philippians: Jesus our Joy
Introduction: Grace and Peace: Philippians 1:1-2
Worthy Conduct: Philippians 2:1-5
Imitating Christ: Philippians 2:5-8
Exalting Christ: Philippians 2:8-13
Counting Your Profits and Losses: Philippians 3:1-11
All Age Services: Spring 2009
Christmas 2008
For to us a child is born: Isaiah 9
Carol Service: The Day the Earth Stood Still
Wentworth Christmas Concert: The Four Phases of Father Christmas
The Uniqueness and Authority of Jesus: In the “I am” statements of John’s Gospel
John 6:35: I am the Bread of Life (All Age Talk)
John 8:12: I am the Light of the World
John 10:1-10: I am the Gate
John 11:28-46: I am the Resurrection and the Life
John 14:1-14: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
John 15:1-17 I am the Vine
Revelation 22:12-21 I am the Alpha and the Omega
Who is My Neighbour? Sermon preached at the Annual BibleLands Society service, held at St Michael’s, Chester Square, London, October 2008
Confessing Christ: Contending for the Faith in the Church of England
Matthew 7:24-27: The Wise and Foolish Builders (all age talk)
2 Timothy 3:10-4:5: The Authority of Scripture
1 Corinthians 6:9-20: Flee Immorality – Honour God
Ephesians 4:1-16: The True Unity of the Church
GAFCON Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans: The Jerusalem Declaration
Reflection on GAFCON
Homosexual Practice: The Biblical Answer
Psalms for Today
Psalm 2: Be Blessed: Obey the King
Psalm 8: Environment Sunday
Psalm 18: Save me from my Enemies
Psalm 19: God’s Word: Sweeter than Honey
Psalm 23: Living through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Psalm 23: Follow the Shepherd – Interactive All-Age Talk
Psalm 73: Why do the wicked prosper?
Psalm 89: Despised and Rejected
Psalm 95: Do not harden your hearts
Psalm 98: Why we should worship God – Interactive All-Age Talk
Psalm 103: From Everlasting to Everlasting
Psalm 150: Praise the Lord
Romans: The Character of God Revealed in the Gospel
Romans 1:18-32 God’s Gracious Anger
Romans 3:21-26 The Justice of God Justifies
Romans 6:1-14 Know, Count, Offer
Romans 8:18-27 The Children of God Revealed
Romans 12:3-8 Spiritual Gifts
Romans 14:1-23 Living in Harmony
Defending Christian Zionism by David Pawson: A Response based on a debate featured on Premier Christian Radio, May 2008.
Jesus: Lord, Liar or Lunatic? Talk given at the London College of Communication
Finding Financial Freedom: Spring 2008
Steward Faithfully: Malachi 3:6-12
Sow Generously: Matthew 6:19-24
Easter 2008
Good Friday: John 19:16-30
Easter Sunday: Membership of Christ’s Family
Easter 1: The Resurrection: The Faith of the Church: John 20:19-32
A Short Guide to the Privileges of Church Membership: Spring 2008
To Reckon the True Cost of Membership: Luke 9:23-26
To Follow the Example of Christ: John 13:1-17
To be Regular in Private Prayer: Philippians 4:4-9
To Receive Holy Communion Faithfully: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
To Give Personal Service to Church & Community: Romans 12:1-8
To Give Money to the Work of the Church: Luke 12:13-21
To Uphold the Standard of Marriage: Mark 10:6-9
If You Could Ask God One Question: Spring 2008
Isn’t the Bible just made up stories?
Is there a God and if so what is He like? (Farnham Baptist Church)
Christmas 2007
Carol Service – His Dark Materials: Luke 2:1-20
Looking forward to Christmas: Luke 1:26-45
Christmas Eve – The Dark Side of Christmas: John 1:1-14
The Iranian Connection: Matthew 2:1-12
Worship and Service: Community Responsibility A Paper delivered at the Evangelical-Muslim Consultation, Tripoli, Libya, January 2008
Zion’s Christian Soldiers – Six seminars on the Bible, Israel and the Church
1. For the Love of Zion: The Bible tells them so
2. Israel and the Church: Who are God’s chosen people?
3. The Promised Land: From the Nile to the Euphrates?
4. Battle for Jerusalem: The Eternal Capital of the Jews?
5. The Coming Last Day’s Temple: Ready to Rebuild?
6. Overture to Armageddon: Want to be left behind?
You can also download an outline and study guide to these seminars here
Jesus: God’s love in Action – John’s Gospel: Autumn 2007
Jesus: The Lamb of God: John 1:19-34
Jesus: The Jewish Messiah: John 1:35-51
Jesus: The Bridegroom: John 2:1-11
Jesus: The Living Temple: John 2:12-25
Jesus: The Son of God: John 3:1-21
Jesus: The Bridegroom: John 3:22-36
Jesus: Equal with God: John 5:1-23
Jesus: The Authority to Judge: John 5:24-47
Jesus: The New Moses: John 6:1-15
Jesus: Can walk on Water: John 6:16-24
Jesus: The Bread of Life: John 6:25-40
Jesus: The Living Bread: John 6:41-59
God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions: Summer 2007
How can I Cope with Stress?
How can I Rebound from Failure?
How can I Defeat Depression?
How can I Overcome Discouragement?
How can I be Confident in a Crisis?
How can I Live above Average?
How can I Overcome Loneliness?
How did I Get Into This Mess?
The Micah Challenge: Summer 2007
Do Justice: Micah 3
Love Mercy: Micah 4
Read, Mark, Learn: The Gospel of Mark for Today: Summer 2007
The Kingdom comes near: Mark 1:1-15
Clean and Unclean: Mark 7:1-23
Luke: Getting to know the Real Jesus: Summer 2007
Who is Jesus? Luke 9:18-27
The Jesus I never knew: Luke 9:28-37
Jesus and other Faiths (Oxford Diocese Curates Conference)
Solomon: God’s King in God’s Kingdom: Spring 2007
Wisdom and where to find it: 1 Kings 4
Colossians: Fullness and Freedom: Spring 2007
The Christian’s Ministry: Colossians 4:2-8
Luke: Getting to know the Real Jesus: Spring 2007
Where does the seed fall? Luke 8:1-15
The sane outcast and the demon possessed village: Luke 8:26-39
Shake the dust off your feet: Luke 9:1-9
Christmas 2006
How to spend an ordinary Christmas Day with Jesus
You can view earlier sermons here and videos of these sermons here.