
Recent Teaching Videos

Gaza is the Moral Compass of the World: A message delivered at the PSC Southampton Vigil for Gaza (June 2024)

A Biblical Refutation of Christian Zionism: A presentation delivered at the 24th International Beth Al-Maqdis Academic Symposium, Mardin Artuklu University, (April 2024).

The Church of England’s Complicity in the Gaza Genocide (May 2024)

Justice For Everyone, Injustice for No One: Fifth Global Congress of Imam Reza (May 2024)

Red Heifers from Texas: The Destructive Consequences of Christian Zionism and Third Temple Extremism: A webinar organised by Friends of Sabeel North America FOSNA (April 2024)

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: International Jerusalem Day (April 2024)

Palestine and Global Peace: A webinar hosted by Revd Dace Smith in Australia (April 2024)

A Christian Critique of Israeli Apartheid: delivered at the ‘Palestine: Moments of Truth’ conference, Muslim Study Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (March 2024)

Jesus of Palestine: A Christmas presentation given at the Gulf Cultural Club, Abrar House, London (December 2023)

Jesus of Palestine (and his politics): In conversation with Chris Williamson and David Miller on Palestine Declassified for Press TV. (December 2023)

America’s Christian Zionists: Israel’s Secret Weapon: An Interview for TRT World

The Parable of the Good Samaritan: From the film With God on our Side

Jerusalem (Quds) Day March: What is your vision of Jerusalem? (April 2023)

Justice, Peace and Reconciliation in Palestine: A Convivencia Alliance Webinar (October 2022)

Looking Forward to Armageddon? Bath Friends of Palestine (October 2022)

Christian Support for the State of Israel: Is it Biblical? FOSNA Conference (October 2022)

The Centre for Christian Muslim Understanding and Partnership: An Interview with Archbishop Mouneer Anis (May 2022)

ICAHD USA Webinar on Christian Zionism, (November 2021)

A Biblical Critique of Israeli Apartheid: Sabeel-Kairos UK Annual Conference (September 2021)

What is Christian Zionism? Kumi Now Zoom seminar, 9 June 2020.

The Chosen: A Review of Walter Brueggemann’s book

A Leonhard Woltjer Lecture on Christianity & Zionism (2011)

Mark Braverman on a Jewish Perspective on Christian Zionism (2011)

With God on our Side: The Movie

Video Catalogue 2009-2019

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