In November a journalist from Evangelicals Now wrote to ask about a series of photos posted on the Peacemaker Trust website taken at the September National March for Palestine: End the Genocide.
1. How can you/Peacemakers justify publishing pictures and slogans (for example) inferring that Hamas are ‘heroes’ and resistance is beautiful’ (presumably a reference to 7 Oct)? or the slogan ‘from the River to the sea Palestine will be free…’?
2. In your view, does the publication on social medial of these images and slogans amount to antisemitism (and spreading it)?
3. Would you consider removing the pictures that would be offensive and antisemitic?
I replied,
“Thank you for your enquiry which only reached me this afternoon. As a conservative evangelical you may know that in years past I was a regular contributor to EN when John Benton was editor and we both pastored neighbouring churches in Guildford.
I see that my Zionist critics (we both know who they are) are trying once again to distract attention from the purpose of the post in question which concerns a peaceful national march involving tens of thousands of people challenging Israeli war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide in Gaza.
May I ask you some questions too?
1. Has EN recently criticised (on biblical and theological grounds) the Israeli genocide in Gaza?
2. Has EN challenged the heretical teaching of Christian Zionists (including my critics) who defend Israeli supremacism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Palestine?
3. Has EN challenged the weaponising of the discredited IHRA re-definition of antisemitism?
I suggest these are more important issues involving the life and death of millions of people in Palestine today which EN should address…”
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