Renewing the Church of England

DSC_5735This year’s ReNew conference was organised by Anglican Mission in England, Church Society, and Reform and held in Leeds under the title Gospel Advance. The major theological theme of the conference explored the Atonement. Contributors included Christopher Ash, Sam Allberry, George Crowder, Matthew Mason, Vaughan Roberts, Rob Scott, Glen Scrivener, William Taylor, Rico Tice, Robin Weekes, and Paul Williams.


Presentations were also made by a number of churches live and on video where bold and innovative evangelistic initiatives are taking place, including one by David Gibbs, our former curate in Virginia Water, now serving at Grace Church, Wanstead. It was good to see another former curate, James Hughes there as well. James is now vicar of St. Alkmund’s Duffield in Derbyshire.


An important paper by Mark Burkill and Peter Sanlon addressed the limits of fellowship and how broken fellowship could be expressed.


A Bishop’s panel included the Right Reverends John Fenwick (Free Church of England), Andrew Lines (AMiE), Jonathan Pryke (Jesmond Parish) and Rod Thomas (Bishop of Maidstone).


View more photos of the conference here.


ReNew is advancing Anglican Evangelical ministries for the salvation of England. We remain convinced of the value of Anglican Evangelical ministry and are determined to advance it both within and outside the Church of England.


Read more here: Church Society