On Tuesday, November 15, 2011 EMEU will conduct a special Executive Briefing on the Middle East in the Bay area of San Francisco in the city of Fremont and held in the historic Centerville Presbyterian Church founded in 1853.
The purpose of this special one day briefing is to inform and gain insight into today’s Middle East. EMEU is inviting business and civic leaders, mission pastors, seminary and Bible college professors, and others for full day briefing ending with a banquet in the evening. Included in the briefing will be close interaction and round table discussions between Western and Middle Eastern leadership.
Since its start-up in 1985 EMEU has conducted strategic briefings and consultations on the Middle East. Our last meeting was in Dallas, Texas in November of 2010 when EMEU celebrated its 25th Anniversary. Prior to that, we met in Washington, D.C. at the Capitol Center in November 2009. Other EMEU events over the years have taken place in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Jerusalem plus one in 2006 at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois jointly sponsored by EMEU and The Billy Graham Center.
Attendance is by invitation only.
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